We are getting the college student back from her first semester abroad in the wilds of Tucson, AZ.
She got some good grades, bought some life experiences, joyfully declared her major and is ecstatically confident about the choice to be a Rehabilitation major working directly with the special needs students beginning in January. She has found time to dance on her own, take yoga, and break more than one heart. She has even survived a few crippling life events that have occurred here at home in her absence. For this first semester all is ending well with high hopes for the future. There is relief in my soul. I'm not done worrying about my girl, but she doesn't need to know that. Yet.
She might need to know just how ridiculously proud of her I continue to be. Oh, I hope I remember to tell her.
Here's a follow-up to the text questions never sent in the post " It's Been Five Days Since You Left for College and We're Still Here, But You're Not and It Is So Quiet"
Texts that would like to be sent:
Do you like your roommate? Well...it's probably better that you don't know anymore than, well....
Did you finish hanging up your pictures? Yes!
Have you made anyone laugh? Too much! Mostly from my innocent mistakes.
Are my favorite shoes having a good time in college? Way too much. Seriously. Too much.
Have you looked at the 52 page photo/quote album I made you and left for you to easily find the moment I returned to your childhood home and left you in the wilds of a college dorm? Yes. :)
Have you read any of Dad's "Phils-osphy" book? All the time. I love it.
Are you flossing? No....
What's the bathroom like? Dropped my iPhone in the shower, had to buy a replacement with the emergency fund that was gifted with the words "This is the money to use when you have emergencies you don't want to tell your parents about"... Mom questions: "Is the shower a good place for a phone to be? Why did you bring it into the shower? Is it a safety reason? Or were you planning on doing a little communicating during the conditioner phase of hair care?"
I guess technically they're your shoes, even though I paid for them. I miss them.
Are you always with another person when you walk on campus at night? NO?????
Are you carrying your mace? The only right answer to this is, yes.
You should see your bedroom here. You actually do have carpeting. I just vacuumed it. Please let it stay visible while you are here.
I miss you.
Your replacement, Chewiethedog, keeps stealing your Minnie Mouse slippers and your Minion. Chewiethedog is coming with me to pick you up today!!!!!
Your Dad wants to keep your bedroom door closed. Well, now we have to keep it closed so the cat won't pee on your bed. Surely is a little mad that you are gone...too.
Did you apply for a job yet? Sigh.
Do you miss home? A resounding yes!
Are you sleeping enough? Actually it seems so.
How often have you gone to Starbucks? It might be time to purchase some stock in this company.
Your sister misses you terribly. :(
It is so quiet. Deafeningly quiet.
The mayonnaise and ranch dressing are taking up too much space and remain unappreciated in the fridge. I wouldn't have either of these things at this point. They need to be tested for icky-ness.
I'm considering moving. Yup. Still.
What are you reading in English? Have you written anything yet? An A in English???? Good news.
Please. Stay. Strong. ??
How many parties have you been to? Any of them Campus Crusade for Christ? Sigh.
Are you scared? Sometimes.
Are you free and happy? Sometimes.
Excited for your potential to be exposed? Sometimes.
Frightened you don't have any? Sometimes.
You do. BTW. Yup.
Please don't lend the pretty shoes to your roommate. I'd like them to visit someday. Soon. Shoes had better be packed to come home for the holidays. I have an event in which I'd like them to accompany me.
Do you want to stay? She wants to stay in college and come home for Christmas. All is good.
This marks the end of the texting questions.
I would like to point out that yet again, everything I worry about, causes every bad thing not to happen.
But, I'm worn around the edges because of it. This Christmas I deeply wish and pray to look at the facts right in front of me as living proof that we will all be alright, and to trust the Lord for the outcomes in the rest of our adventures. Oh goodness. We will be altogether in our beautiful home, that is lit with so many twinkling lights we could guide planes to safe landings, and life will be back to it's chaotic sweetness. All is well.
And I vow to enjoy the full family in our midst.
On a side note:
Here's a link to a pretty fun video from SNL about daughters coming home from college. Do not watch it if language is offensive to you. Language is offensive to me, however, this was sooo true!!
Honestly, do not watch it if you are sensitive to crassness...and other ,you know, harsh stuff.